The following article by Yoojin Koo, Project Assistant Professor at EAA, has been published in Japanese Political Science Review:
Yoojin Koo, “A Configurative Approach to Conservative Mobilization in Japan: The Effect of Combining Political Opportunities and Threats,” Japanese Political Science Review 5 (2020), 27–58.
It is now available on JPSA’s website:
The author would like to give special thanks to EAA Zemi members who generously discussed methodological issues shared by the humanities and social sciences, e.g., the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research, the complementary roles of qualitative and quantitative researches, and the place of the humanities to fill gaps between them. These discussions were especially helpful for evaluating the approach taken in works such as From Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and Social Science by Roberto Franzosi (2004, Cambridge University Press).