
Japanese Philosophy Network 第3回研究会

Japanese Philosophy Network 第3回研究会

発表者:Hanako Takayama (EAA, UTokyo)

発表題目:The Concept of the Immemorial in Megumi Sakabe

Megumi Sakabe (1936-2009), a Japanese philosopher who began his career as a Kant scholar, is best known for The Phenomenology of Mask (1976), Tetsuro Watsuji (1986), and The Poetics of Persona (1989). In a later work, Katari: The Grammar of Story (1990), he discussed the narrative phase of katari by distinguishing it from Japanese hanashi or uta. My main argument will be how he evolved the concept of the person/persona when he took into account the problematics of poetic language. For this, I would like to focus on his idea of the immemorial, which is explained as the act of touching the extraordinary time and space of the myths realized by katari.

日時:2024年1月23日(火)17:00 〜 18:30
場所:東京大学駒場キャンパスI 101号館11号室(EAAセミナー室)

張政遠(Cheung Ching-yuen, EAA)
桑山裕喜子(Kuwayama Yukiko, UTCP特任研究員)
Dennis Stromback(東京大学グローバル教育センター特任講師)

