Instructor Shuntaro Nozawa
Semester A Semester, AY2024
Period Tuesday 5th period, 17:05–18:35
Language English
Classroom 21 KOMCEE East K011, Komaba 1 Campus
Society, Environment, Health, and East Asia I (16) 社会・環境・健康と東アジアI (16)
Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (44) グローバル教養特別演習II (44)
Special Topics: Japan in East Asia XII 国際日本研究特論XII
English for Research (129) 専門英語 (129)
Overview 概要
This course is aimed at rethinking and reinterpreting what architectural historian Hiroyuki Suzuki (1945–2014) regards as genius-lociin Tokyo—the historical contexts, and the power of the places. It consists of classes offered by 12 guest lecturers invited from inside and outside the university.
If you are interested in taking and planning to enroll in this course, please check the details of the course outline located in the Google Drive folder available here (accessible with your ECCS Cloud mail address).
Guest Lecturers and Schedule ゲスト講師およびスケジュール
Week 01|Oct 08 [blog article]
Shuntaro Nozawa 野澤俊太郎
University of Tokyo 東京大学
Meiji Jingu: Why Does Genius-loci Matter? 明治神宮―なぜゲニウス・ロキ(地霊)が問題なのか?
Week 02|Oct 15 [blog article]
Mai Kataoka 片岡真伊
International Research Center for Japanese Studies 国際日本文化研究センター
Approaching Genius-loci through Modern Japanese Literature: Representations, Translations, and Metamorphoses 日本近現代文学を通じた「地霊」への接近―表象・翻訳・変容の探索
Week 03|Oct 22
Akito Sakasai 逆井聡人
University of Tokyo 東京大学
The Gleaming Darkness of the City: Representations of the Black Market and Post-War Japan 都市の眩い闇―闇市表象と戦後日本
Week 04|Oct 29
Seng Kuan セン・クワン
University of Tokyo 東京大学
Three Visions of Tokyo Bay 東京湾を巡る3つの構想
Week 05|Nov 05
Kaichiro Morikawa 森川嘉一郎
Meiji University 明治大学
Manga, Anime, Games, and the City of Tokyo マンガ・アニメ・ゲームと東京
Week 06|Nov 12
Alexandra Mustatea アレクサンドラ・ムスタツェア
Kanda University of International Studies 神田外語大学
Exploring the Spatiality of Human Relationships from the Perspective of a Tokyoite: Insights from Japanese Philosophy 東京人の目に映る人間関係の空間性を考察する―日本哲学からの洞察
Week 07|Nov 19
Hyewon Shin 申惠媛
Utsunomiya University 宇都宮大学
The Transforming Ethnic Neighborhood: A Case Study of Shin-Okubo 変貌するエスニック・ネイバーフッド―「新大久保」の事例から
Week 08|Dec 03 [blog article]
James Thurgill ジェームズ・サーギル
University of Tokyo 東京大学
The Spatiality of Folklore 民俗学の空間性
Week 09|Dec 10
Christian Dimmer クリスティアン・ディマ
Waseda University 早稲田大学
(Re)assembling Public Space: Tokyo’s Emergent Geographies of Contestation, Celebration, and Collaboration 公共空間を(再)統合する―東京において生成される論争、祝福、共同の地理学
Week 10|Dec 17
Toru Takeoka 武岡暢
Ritsumeikan University 立命館大学
Pluralism in Kabukicho and Its Hub: 80 Years of Sex Work, Local Organization, and Local Government 歌舞伎町とその核にある多元性―セックスワーク、町内組織、自治体の80年
Week 11|Dec 24
Dipesh Kharel ディペシュ・カレル
University of Tokyo 東京大学
Capturing the Changing Ethnoscape in Tokyo: A Visual Ethnography of Nepalis in Japan
Week 12|Jan 07
Irina Holca イリナ・ホルカ
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 東京外国語大学
When Disaster Strikes Tokyo: “Sad Spirits” in Shimazaki Toson’s “Letters to My Child (Ko ni okuru tegami)” 災害が東京を襲うとき―島崎藤村『子に送る手紙』における「哀しむべき幽霊」
Week 13|Jan 14
Kengo Hayashi 林憲吾
University of Tokyo 東京大学
Genius-loci in the Monsoon Asian Megacities: Urban Structure of Tokyo and Jakarta
Introduction 序論
A city is composed of neighborhoods and sites, housing the socially shared place memories and identities formed within. These identities often determine how land is architecturally used and developed. Architectural historian Hiroyuki Suzuki regards the historical contexts influencing land use in this way as genius-loci, which modern rationalism in architecture is unable to capture.
Suzuki’s 1990 work Tokyo no chirei [Genius-loci in Tokyo] is recognized as one of a number of influential works on Tokyo published by Japanese architectural historians, urbanists, and sociologists from the late 1970s onwards. These include Hidenobu Jinnai’s Tokyo no kūkanjinruigaku [Tokyo: A Spatial Anthropology] in 1985 and Shunya Yoshimi’s Toshi no doramaturugī: Tokyo sakariba no shakaishi [A City as the Stage: A Social History of Entertainment Districts in Tokyo] in 1987. These works focus on understanding the power of the places that compose and evince the megalopolis of Tokyo. The discourses of Suzuki, Jinnai, and Yoshimi on Tokyo thus demonstrate that the city’s unique identity is formed by numerous interactions between the histories of land use as conditioned by terrain and location of sites, the consequent built environments, and the unique images and atmospheres of neighborhoods created by these three-dimensional spaces.
Their attitudes towards Tokyo differ substantially from teleological assumptions guiding architectural theories and urbanism in Japan pre-1970s—with a few notable exceptions, such as Wajiro Kon’s Modernology, or Modernologio. In the old, Japanese textbooks on architectural and urban design, Japanese cities, including Tokyo, are compared with those of the United States, Britain, France, and West Germany and subsequently criticized for the chaotic nature of their landscapes as well as the lack of orderliness—believed to be the embodiment of urbanity in the West.
How have Suzuki, Jinnai, and Yoshimi obtained the deep insight into the inner dynamics of Tokyo presented in their works? Certainly, there were various factors that encouraged them to do so, such as the reaction to material affluence that Japan achieved in the 1970s, as well as the awareness of the loss of historic elements from Japanese urban spaces. In cognitive terms, from the late 1970s onwards, Japanese architectural historians, urbanists, and sociologists began to recognize economically and physically developed cities of Japan—particularly Tokyo—as unique entities that were qualitatively incomparable with the western models of a modern city. This changing perception of Japanese cities led them to explore the inner logics of Tokyo that manifested in its built forms and landscape.
In fact, in her book The Global City in 1991, sociologist Saskia Sassen defines New York, London, and Tokyo as representative of the titular global city. The markets of these metropolises enable international trades 24 hours a day, every day; thus synchronizing cities around the world. Sassen’s discussion on the global city represented a change in the global perception of Tokyo. While persistent criticism against the disordered landscape of Tokyo lost steam, different types of order in urbanity begin to be discovered in the contrast of the quiet of back alleys and the bustle of busy highstreets, like Shibuya Scramble Crossing. In these sites, a subtle and uniquely Tokyo juxtaposition between chaos and tranquility emerges.
実際、社会学者のサスキア・サッセンは、1991年の著書The Global Cityにおいて、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、そして東京をその名も国際都市と位置付けている。それら3都市のマーケットが滞りなく開かれることによって、国際的な商取引が24時間365日可能になった。彼女はそれが世界中の都市を一体化し、同期化していると指摘している。このようなサッセンの考察は、東京を見る目のグローバルな変化の一断面を示唆していた。その猥雑な都市景観に対する批判の根強さは影を潜め、路地裏の静けさと渋谷のスクランブル交差点のような表通りの喧騒が織りなす対比の中に、混沌と静寂を絶妙に保ち続ける東京の独自性が見出されるようになった。
Aim 本科目の目的
About 30 years have passed since Hiroyuki Suzuki discovered genius-loci in Tokyo. Exactly 10 years have passed since his death.
In the last three decades, the concentration of population and industry in the Tokyo Metropolitan area has accelerated exponentially. Despite Japan’s economic recession, Tokyo continues to grow and change. How have our perspectives of the historical contexts of various places that compose Tokyo (re)shaped with its rapid transformation? Is there anything unchanging and universal in our views of Tokyo? Where do the creativity and mentalities that enable us to perceive and comprehend Tokyo originate? Where should they be found in our time called the Anthropocene? Is genius-loci still alive in Tokyo?
This course is aimed at rethinking and reinterpreting—metaphorically—genius-loci in Tokyo. It invites 12 guest lecturers from the areas of anthropology, architecture, film studies, human geography, literature, philosophy, sociology, subculture studies, and urbanism, to discuss genius-loci based on three types of questions below:
1) Tokyo in Asia / World in Tokyo アジアの中の東京 / 東京の中の世界
Although Tokyo historically aimed to obtain Western modernity, the world’s biggest city is now synonymous with the modern Asian gigacity. In the last 30 years, other Asian metropolises: Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok, Jakarta, New Delhi, and Dubai have also undergone immense growth to sizes incomprehensible in Western cities. In the macro world, these Asian gigacities, including Tokyo, apparently behave as if any restriction is not imposed on their expansions. However, within these metropolises there seem to be frictions and a lack of uniformity caused by the interactions between the momentum for the expansion of the entire city and peoples’ lived experience of city spaces. In fact, within the city of Tokyo, the continual economic and physical expansion has inspired a variety of reactions. These inner dynamics presenting themselves across sites and neighborhoods urged Hiroyuki Suzuki to examine the historical contexts of places, namely genius-loci.
The logics of expansion and place are complicated and entangled not only within Tokyo, but also across gigacities throughout Asia. These logics have often evoked peoples’ sense of locality, being intricately linked with globalism that accelerates migrations as well as the global circulation of capital and information. This brings a perceived diversity to Asian gigacities, including Tokyo, particularly in cultural and ethnographical terms. How has Tokyo been interconnected with the expansions of the other Asian gigacities and thus included Asia and the world within its own expansion? If there is a new human perception shaped by enormous urban expansions in Asia, how has this affected our perspectives of the composition of a city? Has genius-loci been (re)discovered in the processes of massive expansion of Asian gigacities? In these cities, have genius-loci been kept alive or gone extinct?
2) Arts, Literature, and Thoughts in Tokyo 東京を巡るアート、文学、思想
An increasing number of gigantic buildings erected uninterruptedly have not only reshaped the landscape of Tokyo, but also enlarged the views we see from its interior. This does not mean that these new, XL-size constructions—as architect Rem Koolhaas regards them—completely drive arrays of old, small houses and shops away. Rather, Tokyo consists of the disordered arrangements of old and new sites and blocks, whose built environments uniquely encapsulate the aspects of various times.
The constant transformation, mixture, and enlargement of the visual world have been seen as one of the elements that characterizes Tokyo, at least in comparison with European and North American cities. This is intricately linked with peoples’ experiences of Tokyo—how has its chaotic nature, as experienced on a human scale, been described and illustrated in literary works, films, and manga? How have these descriptions and illustrations socially and globally been shared and perceived? How has this (re)production of the images of Tokyo affected our views of Tokyo as well as our attitudes towards Tokyo in real life? Have these (re)created Tokyo in a tangible capacity? Where does the imaginative power for us to envision and build the future of Tokyo stem from?
3) Tokyo Architecture / Tokyo Urbanism 東京建築 / 東京アーバニズム
If the form and landscape of a city mirror what people require from and conceive of in urban life, an approach to genius-loci is necessary to interpret the relationship between the characteristics of the built environments, various elements and factors that condition them, the use of them, and peoples’ relationship to a city and land. This is central to what is believed to be essential in recent design practices taking place at major architectural schools all around the world. The variety of buildings, blocks, and neighborhoods—particularly in size—indicates embodiment and representation of the diversity of the images of a city as perceived by people, and the different kinds of urban theories.
How do architecture and urbanism shape our expectations of a city and the images we associate with a city? How are place identities formed and transformed in Tokyo within dramatically ever-changing built environments? How do (built) environments and urbanism play a role in forming place identities and images of a city? What are peoples’ fundamental and functional requirements for urban spaces? How does Tokyo respond to peoples’ desires for a city?
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