【Date】28 May 2023
【Venue】Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo 東京大学本郷キャンパス
Faculty of Law & Letters Building 2 法文2号館 1大、2大教室
※Admission Free 参加自由
9:30-9:45 Welcome Addresses (Large Room 1) Chair: Noburu Notomi
Keiichi Noe (Chair of JFPS)
Takahiro Nakajima (Director of EAA)
9:45-10:45 Keynote Speeches (Large Room 1) Chair: Noriko Hashimoto
Luca Maria Scarantino (President of FISP)
Masaki Ichinose (President of PAJ): A possibility of moral considerations for dead people
Session I-A: Confronting the Crisis
(Large Room 1) Chair: Daisuke Araya
Maria Baghramian: Trust in a time of crisis
Joao Vila-Cha: The politics of the person in a context of crisis
Stelios Virvidakis: Philosophy as a way of life at a time of crisis
Session I-B: Democracy and Society
(Large Room 2) Chair: Masataka Furusho
Gerhard Seel: What is racism and why is it morally wrong?
Anat Biletzki: The ‘democratic’ form of life
Giovanni Scarafile: Out of step? Reimagining the role of moral philosophers in a changing world
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Session II-A: Reconsidering the World
(Large Room 1) Chair: Hirotaka Nakano
Peter Jonkers: What holds the world together? The complexities of common values in times of pluralism
Riccardo Pozzo: Food-security and its declinations
Session II-B: Reconsidering Philosophy
(Large Room 2) Chair: Satsuki Tasaka
Yu-Suk Suh: Just transition and philosophy
Mayuko Uehara: Nishi Amane – A pioneer of the field of Japanese philosophy
Session III-A: Diversity and Environment
(Large Room 1) Chair: Masumi Nagasaka
Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir: How critical thinking is embodied
Stella Villarmea: Philosophy of birth: Rethinking origin and reproductive justice
Tetsuya Kono: Is it ethically dangerous to insist on population growth control in order to avoid an environmental crisis?
Session III-B: World Philosophy
(Large Room 2) Chair: Yosuke Bando
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff: Ethics and responsibility of the philosopher as a public intellectual Ethics and responsibility of the philosopher as a public intellectual” (following up on Sartre’s Tokyo Lectures 60 years ago!
Robin R Wang: The way of suppleness (柔道): A metaphysics against aggression
Noburu Notomi: World Philosophy and the possibility of dialogue
16:20-16:40 Coffee break
Session IV: Philosophy and our future
(Large Room 1) Chair: Noburu Notomi
Suwanna Satha-anand: Distrust and right view in Buddhism
Noriko Hashimoto: Inter-subjectivity and Inter-objectivity
17:40-18:00 Concluding discussion (Large Room 1)
Organized by:
FISP: International Federation of Philosophical Societies
PAJ: Philosophical Association of Japan 日本哲学会
Co-organized by:
SCJ: Science Council of Japan 日本学術会議 哲学委員会世界哲学構築のための分科会
JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 日本学術振興会
EAA: East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, UTokyo 東アジア藝文書院
The Society of Philosophy 哲学会
JFPS: Japan Federation of Philosophical Societies 日本哲学系諸学会連合
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・文学部