
5th EAIHN Online Seminar
“Trans-Pacific Perspective on the British Empire”

5th EAIHN Online Seminar “Trans-Pacific Perspective on the British Empire”

5th EAIHN Online Seminar

“Trans-Pacific Perspective on the British Empire”


March 31st (Wed.), 2021. 7pm-9pm (JST)


Zoom Webinar

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Speaker: Anne Brunon-Ernst (Paris II & Australian National University)

“Penitentiaries in the British Empire: The Case of Panopticon Prisons in Australia”

Discussants: Michihiro KAINO 戒能通弘 (Doshisha University, Kyoto), Hongtu LI 李宏图 (Fudan University, Shanghai), Brian CHEN 陳建網 (National Chengchi University, Taipei)

Chair: Hiroki UENO 上野大樹 (Hitotsubashi University)

【Speaker Profile】

Anne Brunon-Ernst is Professor in Legal English at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris, France), and researcher at the Cersa (Panthéon-Assas) and at the Centre Bentham (ScPo, Paris). Her research interests focus on the British legal philosopher Jeremy Bentham. She edits the Revue d’études benthamiennes

Anne Brunon-Ernst’s research has been centred around: (1) Bentham’s Panopticon schemes ((ed.) Beyond Foucault, Ashgate, 2012); (2) utilitarianism in Foucault’s thought (Utilitarian Biopolitics, Pickering & Chatto, 2012); and (3) the concept of indirect legislation both in Bentham and in its contemporary reappropriations ((co-ed.), Indirect Legislation: Bentham’s Regulatory Revolution, spec. issue in History of European Ideas, 2017; (co-ed.) Nudges et normativités, Hermann, 2018). Lately, a visiting fellowship (2019-2021) at the ANU College of Law has provided the opportunity to look into Bentham’s influence on the making of Australia in the wake of the Bentham Project’s publication of a volume on Australia in The Collected Works.


  • About EAIHN

The East Asian Intellectual History Network (EAIHN) was founded to provide an opportunity for those intellectual/cultural/socio-political historians based in East Asia to exchange ideas freely, in the hope of establishing a pan-Asian (and trans-Pacific) intellectual platform. While many of the network members are experts of the European Enlightenments, we also hope to discuss their positive and negative impacts on East Asia, with a particular focus on the intellectual and cultural dimensions of the so-called “Western Impact”, in the longer term.

(Hiroki UENO 上野大樹)


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