International Workshop:
Engaging Philosophies in/from Latin America and the Caribbean in the Anthropocene
A workshop on the study of thoughts and philosophies in Latin America and the Caribbean is to be held under the organizational auspices of the UTCP in collaboration with the EAA. This project was planned by the organizers of the Japanese Philosophy Network, who usually organize lectures of specialists in Japanese philosophy research in English. The objective of this workshop is twofold: firstly, to promote research into the philosophies of the unconscious marginalization of “others”, which can partially be rooted in the idea that “philosophy is a Western/North American thing”; and secondly, to discuss the philosophies and thoughts with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean in this context. The language of the workshop will be English, and the starting point will be the ideas and philosophies on/in/from Latin America and the Caribbean, but issues related to the concept of “the other”, as well as “race” and “perphery”, can be seen in a wide variety of situations in Japanese every day life as well. If you are interested in discussing the unconscious marginalization of “the other” or “others”, we cordially invite you to join us. No advance registration is required.
Date: Tuesday, March 25th 2025
Time: 13:00 -18:00
Venue: Room 515, 1st floor, Bldg. 5, Komaba Campus 1, The University of Tokyo
Language: English
13:00 Opening: Dennis Stromback (GlobE, U-Tokyo)
13:10 Orlando Valladares Fernandez (Dartmouth College):
“Grounding the ‘Periphery’: A comparative analysis of Dussel and Nishitani’s characterization of European Philosophy”
13:45 Kuwayama Yukiko (UTCP):
“The Violence of Conceptions? Elsa Dorlin’s Regard on the Term of ‘Race’ from Caribbean Plantocracy”
14:20 Break
14:30 Nakano Hirotaka (Ochanomizu-U):
“What can we learn from a comparative study of Latin American and Japanese philosophy?”
15: 05 Cheung Ching Yuen (EAA): “Terruño and the Crisis of Desterramiento”
15:40 Break
16:00 Fernando Wirtz (Kyoto-U): “Estar, Death and Animality in Gamaliel Churata”
16:35 Dennis Stroback (GlobE): “The Other in Dussel’s Approach to Exteriority”
17:10 Closing discussion (〜18:00)
Project organization: Dennis Stomback (GlobE), Cheung Ching Yuen (EAA), Yukiko Kuwayama (UTCP)
Organization: The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)
Co-organizer: East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, U-Tokyo (EAA)